CLASSIC Trial Summary: Restriction of IVF in Septic Shock

CLASSIC trial iv fluids in septic shock

2022 CLASSIC TRIAL Restriction of Intravenous Fluid in ICU Patients with Septic Shock Multicenter, international, randomized controlled trial ca Objective: To investigate whether the restriction of Intravenous Fluid in ICU Patients with Septic Shock improves 90-day survival? unipro 1554 Patients with septic shock in the ICU who had received at least 1 liter of IV fluid and with onset of shock had been within 12 hours before screening patients Restrictive-fluid group -median of 1798 ml (n=770) Standard-fluid group -median of 3811 ml (n=784) PRIMARY OUTCOME 42.3 Death from any cause within 90 days % P=0.96 42.1 SECONDARY OUTCOME 29.4 Serious adverse events % Diff -1.7 % points; 99% CI, -7.7 to 4.3 30.8 Numbers of days alive without life support and days alive and out of the hospital were similar in the two groups Conclusion: Among adult patients with septic shock in the ICU, intravenous fluid restriction did not result in fewer deaths at 90 days than standard intravenous fluid therapy. Tine S. Meyhoff et al. N Engl J Med 2022; 386:2459-2470

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